About Me
Name: real name
Location: Real World Location
Contact: email and phone
I am a fourth year Engineering student at the University of Cambridge, and the president of the Cambridge Makespace Society, a club for students who want to get involved with Makespace and find it hard to afford the fees.
Jewellery making, calligraphy, laser cutting, knitting, building cardboard boats
Finding funding for the student society, playing with Inkscape, building the Makespace Cardboard Boat
Things I can help you with
If you are a student and want to get involved with Makespace, especially if you can't afford the monthly fees, get in touch with me or sign up to our mailing list: for details of free open to all events running in the space for students and other ways to have fun and help out.
Tools I can help you with
Stuff I have or can access at work that might be useful