Reading list for new members
From Makespace
Things to read for Founder Members:
- The Membership Agreement. This is the thing you sign and is unlikely to change.
- The Rules and Guidelines. You are bound by these when you sign the Membership Agreement, but they are likely to change as Makespace grows and opens.
- The Health and Safety Briefing. To ensure we can all use the space and do stuff without worrying!
There are also some specific things to look at depending on what you are doing. These tend to be linked from the above docs:
- If you are thinking of bringing something into Makespace, we're still working out how we should handle some things, so you might want to read the Donations Policy if you plan to donate it to Makespace, the Hazardous Materials page if it's a substance that might be a hazard, the Electrical safety policy if you will plug it into the mains, the personal Storage Policy if you plan to store it at Makespace, and the Storage page if it's big or heavy or awkward or expensive.
- When using the wifi: The Wifi Policy.
- When doing stuff: The Risk Assessments.
- If you are wondering what the community atmosphere at Makespace should be like, there are the Community Values .