Arduino and Cake/Big Box

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Big Box of Breakout Boards and Bits

We have a box of bits containing Arduinos for use in the space along with an assortment of sensors, motors, lights and other things you might need to make up a project. It lives in... (to be confirmed, currently it lives in my kitchen, obviously that won't be its final location!)

This page exists to catalogue the contents of the box along with any notes on how to use each modules, including links to Arduino libraries, datasheets, photos showing pinouts and suchlike. Basically if you've figured out how to use a module through extensive googling and experimentation here is where you can share that knowledge with everyone else. Use your signatures to claim credit!


This is not primarily intended to be used as stock for people's projects, rather it's there to provide a lending library of parts for use at events such as the Arduino and Cake sessions and Family Makers. That said, none of the parts are particularly expensive and we try to have a reasonable number of them so if you really need something for a project right now, aren't going to be taking the last one of something and are prepared to provide a replacement in non ludicrous time that's probably fine. If unsure ask on the mailing list! Most things here have been bought from sellers from the far East on eBay, so while they're cheap the lead times are often quite lengthy.

There's a section at the end of this page for requests - if there's something you'd like to have access to and which is of general use (i.e. not for just one project you have in mind) add some details and we'll see whether we can source it at an appropriate price. If something goes wrong and the magic white smoke escapes from something please make a note in the section for the component or module concerned, that way we know it's broken and can either fix or replace it (and tell everyone how to avoid the same thing happening again)

What's in the Box?


Arduino Nano (x5)

Sensors and Input Devices

DHT11 temperature and humidity Sensors

MPU6050 based 6 axis motion sensor board

Barometric pressure sensor board

Motors and other Output Devices

Servo Motors


NRF24L01 Radio Modules

Everything else

High brightness LEDs


Put your requests for parts here...